Monday, November 22, 2010

Fruity baskets

I attended a friend's housewarming a week or so ago, and wanted to share the "Best of Blush" with them, so I made this fruit basket! You can make one yourself-- all you need is a basket, some cellophane, a ribbon, and about $25 worth of fruit from Blush Lane
(Another project for "when I get more time" is making some of these on special order for customers at the store)

Apple Parade!

Citrus is just starting, and I have booked a ton of California Satsuma Mandarins, due to arrive ...MAYBE... next week but likely the week after. For now, we have juicy California Navels and Chinese Mandarins (in 3lb boxes 2 for $10).
The pears are like BUTTER. Seriously, biting into a ripe D'Anjou right now is like eating a perfect peach in the middle of summer. We've got Green Klapperton, Abate Fetel, D'Anjou, Red D'Anjou, Flemish, Bosc-- all from BC-- and I know they all taste different but I can't differentiate which is better amongst so many stars. Eat a pear, even if you think you don't like them. It'll change your life, I swear!

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