Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mangoes have landed!

I booked some mangoes this week, and asked if they would be "blushy"... Because nobody wants a rock hard green mango. They arrived, and now we have blushies at Blush! The first good ones of the season, and they only get better from here!
They're delicious, trust me-- I've eaten two already!
$2.99 each 3 for $8.00, 8-count case for $18

Next, we have CitrusFest at Blush!
So, I typed "citrus fest" in Google, just to make sure I wasn't infringing on anyone's actual CitrusFest, and I came up with this:
Menton fete du citron (Lemon Festival).
Okay, so maybe we aren't building Taj Mahals out of lemons, but the citrus we have tastes great (and you don't have to destroy a Buddha sculpture to buy it!).
The Navel Oranges and Riostar Grapefruit are on sale for $1.77/lb, and the Cara Cara Navels (aka Red Navels), are $1.99/lb. If you've never tried a Cara Cara, come in and try some... They are a personal favourite!
We've also got your standard Lemons and Limes, and then we've got Blood Oranges, Tangelos, Kumquats, and Seville Marmalade Oranges.

Lastly, Blueberries. They're in the flyer, they're fair-trade, and they're a little taste of summer in the middle of winter! They're grown by the same Chilean farmers that we helped support last year during the earthquake. Your dollars last year went towards rebuilding their homes, and this year we still have great blueberries because of it. For those who supported the farmers last year by buying blueberries, Thanks!
$3.99 each

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