Saturday, March 19, 2011

My adventures in Blush: GoGo Quinoa Cookies

I asked Matt yesterday if there was anything I should be blogging about before I leave for my trip and he said, "Try the GoGo Quinoa cookies". I replied that the blog is turning into Teri's adventures in Blush! Nothing wrong with that I suppose, so long as anyone reading it doesn't mind.

Before I talk about these cookies, I must update my Zico coconut water post. I purchased a case yesterday, as Derek and I are on our way to Moab, Utah tomorrow for a mountain biking trip. The stuff has actually grown on me. I have this intense distaste for water (I know, I know!) and wander around most days in a completely dehydrated stupor, (plus the three dehydrating cups of coffee I drink first thing in the morning). Usually, later in the afternoon I get headaches. Knowing the cause, I started grabbing a coconut water. I guess it's easy to like anything that makes you feel better!

So, on to the GoGo Quinoa cookies. Having already tried their Quinoa-Amaranth burgers, I knew that it was a good line of products. I picked up the chocolate chip cookies yesterday, and was quite impressed. From my completely non-vegan, non-celiac point of view, they are delicious-- crunchy and light tasting. But from the other perspective-- knowing how hard it is to avoid gluten after attempting to do it for a week and failing miserably, and imagining that being vegan would be a similar hurdle-- they are fantastic!

I personally love quinoa, Derek and I eat it at least twice a week, so cookies made out of quinoa equals awesome! Another great thing about them is that they are individually wrapped. I am going to bring the rest of the box on our roap trip, they will make for handy grab-and-go snacks. It's also good that they are individually wrapped because it stops one from eating the whole box at once (if one were so inclined!). Finally, though they don't say anything about it on the website, I couldn't find a tree nut warning on the box, so I fed one to Derek and he appeared to still be breathing when I left for work this morning. So, don't quote me on them being tree nut-free, but based on my experiment they seem to be!

1 comment:

  1. My kids and I love them! They are also VERY low in sugar and great for kids lunches.
